Foucault and The Bible
As is their wont, conservatives are throwing philosophers' names around as criticisms without checking what they actually thought. For instance, Dr. Kristin Du Mez recently got accused of being Foucauldian . This got at least me wondering what an actual Foucauldian might say about gender and sexuality in the Bible and White Evangelical society. First of all, though: I don't really have any credentials to bring to this. I've read Discipline and Punish, and I've picked some stuff up through osmosis, mostly skimming stuff by Dr. Cressida Heyes and reading the SEP entry for Foucault . So: grain of salt required, but let's see where this goes, shall we? The first thing a Foucauldian might note is that our ways of being gendered and practicing our sexuality are structured by discourses which establish what counts as "normal" gender/sexuality. So, in each culture there are these discourses. One might go one of two ways here: on the one hand, one might see the ...