Deconstructing... Jesus, Justice, & Gender Roles
When I asked about complementarianism, my pastors offered me Kathy Keller's Jesus, Justice, and Gender Roles as giving basically their position on the matter. It is a very small little pamphlet, easily read in a single sitting. While the first part of the book is (in my view shaky) exegesis, the second half addresses "personal journeys." The exegesis might be weak simply because of the lack of space, so, between that and my not being a bible scholar myself, I'll leave the responses to that to others. Instead, I want to examine whether the text successfully presents complementarianism as good. So, let us begin, where Keller winds down the exegesis section and begins transitioning to personal journeys, on page 29: Earlier I raised the question, "Why did God arrange things this way, with a gender-based division of labor?" At the end of the day, I still don't know. I could speculate, but speculation often leads to error. I will follow that ancient divine who...