Against Complementarianism
The conversation about complementarianism, egalitarianism, and women in the church has been revived lately, in no small part due to historical and sociological reflection. As a debate, I think, there are at least 3 dimensions to consider--all overlapping. There is the recently highlighted historical/sociological one about what the tradition, in fact, is, and how different views have actually played out in Church history. There is--the conclusive and most important one--the biblical interpretive dimension about what the Bible actually says. There is also what we might call the systematic theological or the philosophical dimension of how all our views hang together around our views of women in the church. On the conclusive matter of Biblical Interpretation I will refer you to William Witt’s Icons of Christ . I will also note that these other two dimensions help us to read well and correctly, and help to highlight red flags and enable us to ask better questions. On history, I will refer ...